一直以來,對「黑池Blackpool」這個地名就充滿好奇,就如同對「王府井大街上是不是真有一口井?」的疑問一樣,黑池那個小城鎮是否真有一口黑水池塘?於是,好奇心又作祟了,跑到黑池市政廳網站上找,奇怪了,居然沒有任何說明,反而是在blackpoolholidays.info 的網站上看到這段文字:
The term Blackpool is a literal one taking its name from the colour of the water in a brook (“le Pull”) which drained Marton Moss and Marton Mere into the sea near the area that would later become Manchester Square. The stream ran through peat land giving the water a distinctive dark colouring and because of this became known as Blackpool.( The name Dublin has a similar origin, Dubh Linn being Irish for Black Pool)
哈,真有這麼一條因流經炭煤泥濘之地,以致水色呈黑濁的河渠,在Irish Sea一側形成一個池塘,也因此有了Blackpool這個地名呢!有趣!
每年一度的Blackpool Dance Festival舉行的殿堂叫Winter Garden。
不禁令我懷疑屋後是否有一座花園?( Photo: danceplaza.com)

![]() Blackpool的地標Black Tower
![]() Black Tower與港彎
位於Pleasure Beach的名為Pepsi Max Big One的Roller Coaster(摩天輪),點圖可觀看YouTube28秒影片。
![]() 中央碼頭