

還記得是在誠品試聽時發現這張專輯的,其中最愛就屬這首歌Back Home To Me 

總認為會喜歡一首歌曲,最先是被音樂吸引,再來才是歌詞。Back Home To Me柔柔的爵士風聽起來很舒服,我喜歡;看看歌詞最前面的兩個字lazy swallow,我更喜歡,所以毫不遲疑地付錢帶回家。 

在部落格剛成立時,原本想將這首歌用作襯底音樂(部落格主題曲),但幾經思量,我又沒有baby需要back home to me的,所以,作罷! 

Sophie Milman出生於俄國的烏法Ufa工業城,1990年全家先移居以色列,於1999年才定居加拿大。Sophie Milman5歲即開始接觸爵士樂,畢業於多倫多大學的商學院,精通英、法、俄與猶太文等四國語言。

這張CDSophie Milman的首張個人專輯,2004年被多倫多星報評定為該年度最佳五張專輯之一,那個時候她才只有21。整張CD最特別的一點是錄製方式不同於一般,是採取現場原聲實地演奏收音方式,由加拿大兩大知名音樂製作人 Bill King Danny Greenspoon請來13位加拿大的著名爵士樂手參與演奏,經過一年多的時間才問市。

Lazy swallow, Ya, I’m a lazy swallow …… Listen to this song ……



lazy swallow flying homeward
Watch the river wind back slowly to the sea
Oh, my soul is waiting patiently
Will you ever find your way back home to me
Somewhere I lost upon the journey
A love that was mislaid somewhere in time
Oh, my love, my heart is aching for you
Will you ever find your way back home to me
Sometimes I feel I almost touch you
I turn and almost see your face
For a moment my heart stops
Till the crowd moves on and fills the space
Oh, my life will be here waiting
For you, my love, to find your way
Back home to me
Sometimes I feel I almost touch you
I turn and almost see your face
For a moment my heart stops
Till the crowd moves on and fills the space
Oh, kindly the words are softly spoken
Only echoing the emptiness I feel
Oh my life will be here waiting
For you my love to find your way
Oh baby find your way
Please baby find your way back home to me




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